Thursday, February 08, 2007


Well, we are moving. Which means cleaning out the void that is my craft room. I have posted all magazines up for sale on ebay, and I am working at finishing up projects that I have started. First is the beaded purse for my mom's birthday this month. I ordered the purse frames I needed from, and they should be here by the weekend I suspect. I am over halfway done with the knitting of the bag, so that works out perfectly. I really do enjoy the bead knitting, although it's very fussy having to slide all those beads along. But it's still great fun. I am glad we took the time to drive to Ft. Wayne to get the perle cotton to match the sead beads. I think it looks very nice. The first bag is purple, next I will do the green one and finally the blue one. Yes, I ordered 24,000 beads to make 3 bags. No, I'm not crazy. :)